
How To Turn Off Windows Narrator

Narrator is a tool in Windows x that provides audio feedback nigh everything that is displayed on your PC's screen. At that place is a keyboard shortcut that initiates Narrator and personally, I find that I inadvertently plow it on at the worst possible times. Wherever I might be where silence is expected, like the library, somehow I accidentally type the Windows logo + Ctrl + Enter control to plow on Narrator.  While Narrator is helpful to those that are have visual impairments, I don't want it on my Windows ten PC. Equally helpful equally Narrator can be, for those that don't need it, Narrator tin quickly become an annoyance.

Microsoft makes a point that to equip each iteration of Windows with a number of accessibility and ease of access features to make using Windows easy for people with disabilities. Thankfully, if yous don't need it, turning off Narrator in Windows ten is relatively simple. This is what y'all need to do:

one. Use the keyboard shortcut to get directly to Windows Settings: Windows logo + I
ii. Go to Ease of Access.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 10, Settings
iii. In the left pane, Go to Narrator.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 10, Settings
4. In the right pane, locate the toggle underneath Narratorand turn itOff.
five. Clear "Permit the shortcut key to start Narrator" box to disable the Narrator keyboard shortcut.

Now, you accept successfully turned off Narrator. Withal, if you are like me and accept no employ for Narrator, y'all tin can take it a step further and disable Narrator completely. In the near time to come, I promise Microsoft would let users to be able to uninstall Narrator. Until that time, this is what you demand to do to completely disable Narrator in Windows ten.

In order to disable Narrator completely in Windows 10, you need to revoke its Windows 10 app permissions for your user account.
Here are the steps you need to follow:
i. Go to the search bar and type Narrator and Open the file location of Narrator
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 10, Settingsii. Once yous have the Narrator file location, right-click Narrator and choose Properties.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 10, Settings
3. Under Narrator Properties, Get to the Security tab and choose Edit to edit user account permissions.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 10, Settings
four. Select the user account(s) that you want to disable the Narrator app and click Deny total control. By checking deny full command, all cheque boxes will exist checked Deny by default and thus disable all Narrator app permissions.
5. Click Apply for the changes to take issue for the each user account.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 10, Settings
6. Click OK when you are finished.

If for some reason you want to enable Narrator in Windows 10, yous tin renew the permissions and toggle Narrator on and off, as well as enable the Narrator keyboard shortcut through the Ease of Access menu in Settings. If you completed the steps above, you're done! You will never meet Narrator in Windows 10 on your PC again.

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